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> out now :
kadaver - the moon bares teeth cd
apocalyptic doom noise from israel. "the moon bares teeth" is a tale of apocalypse in three acts with a prologue (a jewish biblical ceremony for the departed) and a finale (a call for blood and death).
minimal structured noise layered on deep subsonic frequency rumble leading to a dark tunnel of screaming hopelessness and destruction, creating a misanthropic feel that leaves you alone in the decay of human being. it ends with final breaths. this is no music. this is cancer. it's the total emptiness of existence, the message of doom. the first 100 comes in special cardboard package.

audiotrop compilation cd special compilation made for the c/o pop affair in cologne where our new label "audiotrop" was presented. "audiotrop" is a collaboration of the labels "satori hype", "drittland" and "paranoise". new website : audiotrop.de

z'ev - past life cd shamanic druming and ritual percussion performed live in cologne by this pioneer of industrial music. the natural reverb and resonance of the room gives this recording a very special sound. z'ev : "the sound is so collossal and ... the
instruments are so sparse - it blows peoples minds." cd is fixed on a metal plate with sticker on the backside. special edition comes as a gong stand object numbered and limited to 49. (only available here !)
> coming next : mary noele dupuis - cd co.caspar - cd lostheim - tba moorhoof - tba